TryHackMe: Advent Of Cyber 2023 - Day 19
The elves are hard at work inside Santa’s Security Operations Centre (SSOC), looking into more information about the insider threat. While analysing the network traffic, Log McBlue discovers some suspicious traffic coming from one of the Linux database servers.
Quick to act, Forensic McBlue creates a memory dump of the Linux server along with a Linux profile in order to start the investigation.
What is the exposed password that we find from the bash history output?
- NEhX4VSrN7sV
What is the PID of the miner process that we find?
- 10280
What is the MD5 hash of the miner process?
- 153a5c8efe4aa3be240e5dc645480dee
What is the MD5 hash of the mysqlserver process?
- c586e774bb2aa17819d7faae18dad7d1
Use the command strings extracted/miner.<PID from question 2>.0x400000 | grep http://. What is the suspicious URL? (Fully defang the URL using CyberChef)
- hxxp[://]mcgreedysecretc2[.]thm
After reading the elfie file, what location is the mysqlserver process dropped in on the file system?
- /var/tmp/.system-python3.8-Updates/mysqlserver
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- No answer needed